Discipline Rules
Prospectus, General Rules And Codes Of Discipline

Uniform and Dress
It is compulsory for the pupils to come neatly dressed in full school uniform, including school ties, socks, shoes and school sweater (in winter), as specified by the school, WITH PROPER CONVENTIONAL HAIR-CUT.

Punctual Attendance
Pupil must reach school before the ring of the assembly bell, failing which, they may not be allowed entry. Early departure- Pupils are not allowed to leave the school before the scheduled time for departure, except in cases of unforeseen emergency.In such case of emergency a written request from the guardian is necessary.

Note Books
The school books are to be carried to the school by the pupils everyday, duly checked and counter-signed by the guardians.

Books / Exercise Books
These are to be neatly covered by brown papers, with school labels pasted on the covers.

Attache Case
Tin and aluminium attache cases, plastic bags and shopping bags are not allowed in the school.Conventional school bags are to be used.

Prohibited items
Books and periodicals which are not allowed by the school, blades, knives and other similar items which might cause accidents, wrist watches, ornaments and similar fancy items are not to be carried to the school.

Tiffin / Drinking Water
Pupils must carry their own tiffin, drinking water in proper container, tumbler and serviette everyday.